Blue is a depressing colour. Calming, serene, the colour of the sky and the sea, peaceful, yet cold. Pink is a loving, affectionate colour. I like it alot better, although I'm not sure that it suits my temperament. I'm not really a sweetheart. Although I prefer purple in general. I did a colour test when I was younger, it was very simple, "If you were a colour, what colour would you be?"
I always liked purple and royal blue the best. Royal blue is a colour for creative souls, with navy blue a preferred one for businessmen and power trippers, and light blue for gentle hippie types. Black for loners and rebels, white for wall flowers who want to blend in with the world, green for healers, yellow for social butterflies (to go with having a sunny temperament, I imagine).
Red for people who want to stand out in a crowd. Orange for calm, earthy types. Purple is apparently a colour chosen by sensitive yet spiritual souls. There's a whole idealogy behind colours and their meanings and ways in which to use them (eg painting prison walls pink to calm down the inmates).
My sister and I went to a natural health expo on Saturday, she had already googled alot of the products that were on display. We discussed the pros and con's of getting aura photos taken, listening to the spiritual teachers she thought might be an antichrist, fertility treatments, colonics, tarot cards and multiple types of therapy. I got a chiropractic assessment for free, and he showed me that my spine is tilted to the left and my left leg was carrying 7kgs more than my right. Hence why the muscles in my left leg are as rigid as a clamp. But i'm getting off topic.
Part of the expo included seminars. One was called the 7 laws of the universe. I only remember the first one, which was balance. But he talked about something else i found interesting, which was light and colour therapy, using a Bioptron light. Each of the 7 systems in the body is linked to a colour of the rainbow, and in order to fix a part of that system a specific colour can be used. You can also use natural foods in those colours. For example, orange is for the digestive system, yellow for nerves, and red for vitality and reproduction.
I'm going to study more about these systems, I think they're fascinating.
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