So since I have leave this week and most of next week, i was originally planning to go somewhere awesome like Hong Kong, however, since I've been told that attempting standby staff travel to asia in January is a complete waste of time, I rearranged my planning to include a road trip around the north island. Along with my flatmate Tash. I really like that she's game to do anything. Also shes a school teacher, so she has the best holidays in the world.
We're starting our trip by heading off to Napier via Taupo, staying in Hawkes bay for a few days - go to Splash Planet, Te Mata Peak and the Rush Munro icecream gardens, then to Palmerston North to see what thats like, down to Wellington/Porirua for a few days - go see Te Papa, Zealandia and the Weta workshop in Miramar and catch up with our old flatmate. Then back up the north island stopping at Taupo, going to see the geothermal wonders of Rotorua, up to the beach and waterfalls of Tauranga, then heading home some time next week.
I'm really excited about it. I love planning trips and going on trips and looking for places to enjoy on the way.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Day 15
Yesterday I finished all my herbal capsules in the morning, and in the evening I started taking my probiotics. Apparently now my gut needs to be repopulated by hordes of good bacteria in order to destroy all the bad bacteria that may still be remaining.
I was hard out wanting some chocolate by evening time, so clearly the detox hasn't helped my cravings, but I resisted by telling myself i had to keep up the healthy food aspect until after I'd gotten my final weight and measurements.
So over the course of the last 2 weeks, I have lost an amazing 6kgs, as well as about 12 inches. I'm very pleased. I texted my sister, who is about to start her own detox, and she asked me to help her achieve the same. I think competition is a good motivator for me, but i don't know if its the same for her. All I know is, the longer i can avoid junk food and chocolate, the better off I will be.
I was hard out wanting some chocolate by evening time, so clearly the detox hasn't helped my cravings, but I resisted by telling myself i had to keep up the healthy food aspect until after I'd gotten my final weight and measurements.
So over the course of the last 2 weeks, I have lost an amazing 6kgs, as well as about 12 inches. I'm very pleased. I texted my sister, who is about to start her own detox, and she asked me to help her achieve the same. I think competition is a good motivator for me, but i don't know if its the same for her. All I know is, the longer i can avoid junk food and chocolate, the better off I will be.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Day 13
Today was awesome. After work I ended up going out with my flatmate to this little known water hole out the back of Mount Pirongia. There was a swing rope out over the water, and heaps of shade on one end, and a leaky dam made of boulders at the other end (good on whoever made that. Maybe a farmer?).
We were there most of the afternoon, until some drunk guys showed up with a ladder and started climbing up trees and jumping off into the water. They could have easily died, and sort of killed our buzz. I'm not sure who they were trying to show off to. Hopefully they were only there coz it was a saturday, its much nicer when we had the place to ourselves.
I didn't really feel much like eating today, it was weird.
We were there most of the afternoon, until some drunk guys showed up with a ladder and started climbing up trees and jumping off into the water. They could have easily died, and sort of killed our buzz. I'm not sure who they were trying to show off to. Hopefully they were only there coz it was a saturday, its much nicer when we had the place to ourselves.
I didn't really feel much like eating today, it was weird.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Day 12
Today I went to catch up with my chiropractor. Technically, she doesn't do that much cracking of my back, she does something with a fancy name like neurophysiology (?) usually I just call it muscle testing. It involves muscle testing anyway. She pulls my arm and then taps different points around my head and torso that are apparently linked to particular organs.
She said my stomach was having issues, so was my small intestine, not surprising considering all the work that they've been doing over the last 2 weeks. She also did some fancy move to close the valve between my small and large intestine. Last time it was blocked. Now it refuses to close. Go figure.
The end is in sight! I'm very pleased.
She said my stomach was having issues, so was my small intestine, not surprising considering all the work that they've been doing over the last 2 weeks. She also did some fancy move to close the valve between my small and large intestine. Last time it was blocked. Now it refuses to close. Go figure.
The end is in sight! I'm very pleased.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Day 11
Only 4 more days to go! Last night my cousin had her 8th birthday and baptism. My nephew attempted to upstage the whole event, he kept going up to the podium and asking when it was his turn to speak. Afterwards they had a supper, and I was relieved to see that some nice person had brought some fruit and fruit kebabs – they were all delicious!
My sister who is planning to start her detox today with a 4 day fast, was piling up the chocolate cake and lollies on her plate. It reminded me of the way a starving person will stuff themselves with food in the belief that there will be no more tomorrow. I warned her that if she’s fasting all those toxins are going to be streaming back through her blood stream tomorrow but I don’t think she was listening to me. And my aunty told me to stop being disgusting.
I’ve noticed that since I’ve only been living on fruit and vegetables, I actually feel more full on a lot less food. And I haven’t been craving anything for the last couple of days like I normally would do every day of my life.
My sister who is planning to start her detox today with a 4 day fast, was piling up the chocolate cake and lollies on her plate. It reminded me of the way a starving person will stuff themselves with food in the belief that there will be no more tomorrow. I warned her that if she’s fasting all those toxins are going to be streaming back through her blood stream tomorrow but I don’t think she was listening to me. And my aunty told me to stop being disgusting.
I’ve noticed that since I’ve only been living on fruit and vegetables, I actually feel more full on a lot less food. And I haven’t been craving anything for the last couple of days like I normally would do every day of my life.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Day 10
I had really sore painful muscles up the back of my legs yesterday. I couldn’t figure out why, because I hadn’t done any strenuous lifting or activity at all.
One of the testimonials for this cleanse said that they had had really tight leg muscles up the back of their legs which had rectified itself during the cleanse. Apparently the quads and calf muscles are intrinsically linked to the bowel system but I’m not sure how.
So I figure maybe the soreness was my body removing lactic acid from those muscles in order to remove it from my body, at least that’s what I’m hoping. Today my legs feel a lot better. I went for a walk for an hour this morning and I didn’t have any tightness in my legs.
I went out shopping today and it was great. I was trying on shirts that almost made me look really skinny. And then I realized what it was – my waist is coming back! Its awesome, I’m very pleased.
One of the testimonials for this cleanse said that they had had really tight leg muscles up the back of their legs which had rectified itself during the cleanse. Apparently the quads and calf muscles are intrinsically linked to the bowel system but I’m not sure how.
So I figure maybe the soreness was my body removing lactic acid from those muscles in order to remove it from my body, at least that’s what I’m hoping. Today my legs feel a lot better. I went for a walk for an hour this morning and I didn’t have any tightness in my legs.
I went out shopping today and it was great. I was trying on shirts that almost made me look really skinny. And then I realized what it was – my waist is coming back! Its awesome, I’m very pleased.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day 9
I went and weighed and measured myself today. I was quite pleased with the results, as my waist and hip measurements have both gone down considerably, as well as my weight, however I’m not sure if this is just a temporary thing and my weight might go up again in a few days when I’m back on a normal diet. I really hope not but it’s a possibility.
My friend Tracy did a 40 day fast a few months ago, and I now hear that this other person I know is into day 30 of completing his own one. I went onto you tube last week and found a woman who had done 3 consecutive 40 day fasts one after the other. I think she was jewish. She said she was doing the fast for God. She was 31yrs old, the mother of 7 children and her youngest one was 6wks old.
I thought she looked markedly improved after the first 40 days (I skipped from day 1 to day 40 to day 80 to day 120) and disgustingly skeletal after the 120th. And on top of that she broke her fast with steak, which is one of the stupidest things you can do, taking the hardest thing to digest into your body after its been without food for 4 months. She got a lot of flak for that.
I think it would be a good idea to start a fast after doing a detox cleanse like mine, since a lot of the toxins would already be removed from the body so there wouldn’t be so much headachiness and fatigue in the beginning. But I’m not sure if that’s a feasible idea since I’m going on a road trip in a week and its going to be difficult to stick to my plan of eating healthy the whole time.
My friend Tracy did a 40 day fast a few months ago, and I now hear that this other person I know is into day 30 of completing his own one. I went onto you tube last week and found a woman who had done 3 consecutive 40 day fasts one after the other. I think she was jewish. She said she was doing the fast for God. She was 31yrs old, the mother of 7 children and her youngest one was 6wks old.
I thought she looked markedly improved after the first 40 days (I skipped from day 1 to day 40 to day 80 to day 120) and disgustingly skeletal after the 120th. And on top of that she broke her fast with steak, which is one of the stupidest things you can do, taking the hardest thing to digest into your body after its been without food for 4 months. She got a lot of flak for that.
I think it would be a good idea to start a fast after doing a detox cleanse like mine, since a lot of the toxins would already be removed from the body so there wouldn’t be so much headachiness and fatigue in the beginning. But I’m not sure if that’s a feasible idea since I’m going on a road trip in a week and its going to be difficult to stick to my plan of eating healthy the whole time.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
New Years Eve

For new years eve last night, my flatmates all decided to drive up to Auckland to attempt to gate crash this YSA conference new years eve dance that none of us were registered for. I didn’t want to go at all, because I was completely exhausted from my detox. I had planned the first two days of herb taking to be the days that I was off work because I knew I would have low energy, which I did. Those two days just happened to be the 31st Dec and 1st Jan.
However owing to group pressure and threats that I would be kidnapped if I didn’t agree to go, I threw some fruit and nuts in my bag and slept all the way to Auckland. When I work up we were driving towards Wellesley Street in the city and it was 11:45pm and the place was completely packed. There were crazy drivers and pedestrians everywhere. All I really wanted to do was see the Sky Tower fireworks, so I was glad we were in the city, but the girls were trying to find the dance location and didn’t care so much about the fireworks.
We ended up at Auckland Girls Grammar school but we couldn’t find a park so we drove up and parked in some pay and display carpark where this group of guys were all getting hammered and headed down towards the school. As I went down this hill I could hear a popping noise and knew that the fireworks had started and new years had arrived!
Awesome fireworks, they went on for what seemed like ages. There were also some huge starburst fireworks starting from somewhere lower down, apparently there was something going on in the harbour as well. We found some Christian people having a dance at the school, but not the YSA and we walked down this huge hill on Howe St before Jazz checked her iphone and discovered that the dance was at Auckland Grammar School not Auckland Girls Grammar.
I thought it was hilarious and didn’t want to go to the dance at all, but the girls still wanted to go. And Jo who hurt her foot and is still walking around with a moon boot can’t walk too easily so the girls found her a supermarket trolley that was just sitting there and decided to push her back up this massive hill. But they were laughing so hard they couldn’t really push. I tried to help but I couldn’t do much, I was too tired. We got her up the hill in the end and then found our way to the correct school.
We could tell it was the correct school coz there were security guys sitting at every entrance. It was about 1am by this stage, so I’m not sure if they let us in coz they couldn’t be bothered or because Jazz went up to everybody and asked where we had to go to to register. Then when we got up to where you actually did have to register, she marched up to the chairman guy and told him some stuff and next thing I knew we were heading down the hill to this field covered in massive bright balloons and a laser light display shooting up onto the rock cliff above our heads.
We were only there for an hour but it was actually really fun, surprisingly. And my flatmates seemed to think there were lots of hot guys there, but I didn’t notice, probably because I was overtired by that stage. I slept all the way home and didn’t wake up till midday today.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Day 6
The creator of the “Ultimate herbal detox” is a kiwi and a naturopath, Brett Elliott. Apparently he and his wife live in Tauranga. I watched a you tube video of him making a salad which I decided to try yesterday, and it is now my new favourite salad.
The base is made of mesclun leaves, tomato, and avocado, with lightly sautéed flat mushrooms. For the dressing you mix up some chopped up garlic, a dollop of probiotic unsweetened yoghurt, juice of one lemon, some olive oil and a bit of oregano, mixed together then poured over the salad then tossed into it. So delicious.
The sauce reminds me of “sauce blanche” the white kebab sauce that I used to always ask for when I had kebabs on my mission. Actually I think it probably is the same thing and maybe that’s why I love it so much, because it reminds me of the French food I had on my mission.
The base is made of mesclun leaves, tomato, and avocado, with lightly sautéed flat mushrooms. For the dressing you mix up some chopped up garlic, a dollop of probiotic unsweetened yoghurt, juice of one lemon, some olive oil and a bit of oregano, mixed together then poured over the salad then tossed into it. So delicious.
The sauce reminds me of “sauce blanche” the white kebab sauce that I used to always ask for when I had kebabs on my mission. Actually I think it probably is the same thing and maybe that’s why I love it so much, because it reminds me of the French food I had on my mission.
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