For new years eve last night, my flatmates all decided to drive up to Auckland to attempt to gate crash this YSA conference new years eve dance that none of us were registered for. I didn’t want to go at all, because I was completely exhausted from my detox. I had planned the first two days of herb taking to be the days that I was off work because I knew I would have low energy, which I did. Those two days just happened to be the 31st Dec and 1st Jan.
However owing to group pressure and threats that I would be kidnapped if I didn’t agree to go, I threw some fruit and nuts in my bag and slept all the way to Auckland. When I work up we were driving towards Wellesley Street in the city and it was 11:45pm and the place was completely packed. There were crazy drivers and pedestrians everywhere. All I really wanted to do was see the Sky Tower fireworks, so I was glad we were in the city, but the girls were trying to find the dance location and didn’t care so much about the fireworks.
We ended up at Auckland Girls Grammar school but we couldn’t find a park so we drove up and parked in some pay and display carpark where this group of guys were all getting hammered and headed down towards the school. As I went down this hill I could hear a popping noise and knew that the fireworks had started and new years had arrived!
Awesome fireworks, they went on for what seemed like ages. There were also some huge starburst fireworks starting from somewhere lower down, apparently there was something going on in the harbour as well. We found some Christian people having a dance at the school, but not the YSA and we walked down this huge hill on Howe St before Jazz checked her iphone and discovered that the dance was at Auckland Grammar School not Auckland Girls Grammar.
I thought it was hilarious and didn’t want to go to the dance at all, but the girls still wanted to go. And Jo who hurt her foot and is still walking around with a moon boot can’t walk too easily so the girls found her a supermarket trolley that was just sitting there and decided to push her back up this massive hill. But they were laughing so hard they couldn’t really push. I tried to help but I couldn’t do much, I was too tired. We got her up the hill in the end and then found our way to the correct school.
We could tell it was the correct school coz there were security guys sitting at every entrance. It was about 1am by this stage, so I’m not sure if they let us in coz they couldn’t be bothered or because Jazz went up to everybody and asked where we had to go to to register. Then when we got up to where you actually did have to register, she marched up to the chairman guy and told him some stuff and next thing I knew we were heading down the hill to this field covered in massive bright balloons and a laser light display shooting up onto the rock cliff above our heads.
We were only there for an hour but it was actually really fun, surprisingly. And my flatmates seemed to think there were lots of hot guys there, but I didn’t notice, probably because I was overtired by that stage. I slept all the way home and didn’t wake up till midday today.
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