Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Sanctity of Marriage

I believe that marriage should be, as it always has been, and should remain, between one man and one woman. In NZ a bill to redefine marriage has recently passed its first reading, which if it passes will allow two men or two women to be legally married. It was a landslide vote in the affirmative. I disagree with it. Even if it does become law, that doesn’t mean that its right. Marriage has been defined the same way for thousands of years, and I see no reason why a minority group should be allowed to redefine it just because they can scream louder than others. They’ve already taken perfectly lovely words like rainbow and hero and reshaped them according to their own specifications. Would I be allowed to start taking words from the English language and reshaping them according to the dictates of my own conscience? No. But they scream “persecution” and “hate” and “homophobe” towards anybody who disagrees with their views. What comes after redefinition of such an important word: gay adoption, polygamy, polyamory, marrying your relatives, incest? Where do you draw the line? If I were a Christian pastor and I refused to marry a gay couple because their stance disagreed with my own beliefs and what the Bible says, I would then be breaking the human rights act for discriminating against them. I can think highly of gay people but still not believe that they should be allowed to change such an important and sacred word to me as marriage. My parents were married, their parents were married, and it goes on back past where I can’t find any recorded information. From that marriage union came me. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Genesis 2:24 Marriage: One man, one woman, one flesh. Sacred and important, and not to be defined any other way.

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