Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The terribly tragically sad man

A parable for today, by Loren Seibold, in summary. A young boy, dreaming of what he wants for his life, tells God in great detail about his future job as an adventurer, his home with a lovely garden, his beautiful tall wife with a great singing voice, and his 3 sons - a scientist, politician and footballer. He also wants to drive a red ferrari and never have to pick up after himself. God tells him, he wants him to be happy. He grows up, hurts his knee, can't go adventuring, so studies marketing and starts a medical supplies business. He lives in a tall apartment building in the city, marries a beautiful woman and has 3 daughters, a nurse, artist and the youngest in a wheelchair who teaches music to children. He complains to his best friend about how his wife isn't like he pictured her when he was young, he complains to his wife about how their home wasn't like how he dreamed it, his therapist, accountant and minister also have to listen to his complaints about how he didn't get the life that he always wanted, including the fact that he still has to pick up after himself. Due to being so terribly tragically sad, he becomes ill and goes to hospital. Late at night, when everyone has gone to sleep, he talks to God about the dream he had for himself when he was younger and the things he has not received. God tells him, "I wanted to surprise you with things you didn't dream of." He tells God, "I thought you were going to give me what I always wanted." God says to him, "And i thought you were going to give me what I always wanted." It had never occured to him that God would want anything. So he asks him what that was. "I wanted to make you happy with what I gave you." That night he decides to dream a new dream, one that he wishes he had dreamed long before. A dream where the things that he really wanted, were the ones he already had. Anyone can choose to be happy, and anyone can choose to be sad. Its just up to us. For the full story, see www.raindrop.org/rain/writings/st10.shtml

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