Thursday, September 16, 2010

My mini ephiphany

I had a mini epiphany yesterday. Sometimes with all the information in your head, there are lots of random facts, but then sometimes two unrelated separate ideas might come together in a particular way to provide enlightenment which is astonishing.

I was thinking about the 40 day water fast one of my friends recently completed. She originally intended it to be only two weeks, but then amidst priesthood blessings and prayer, felt to continue what she was doing, and 40 days later when she finished, she got a whole lot of revelation about what she was to do in her life.

I didn’t find out about it until after she’d finished (good move not telling people – they tend to not understand and make fruitless unhelpful comments). Her skin now looks really radiant, which is the thing that I noticed first about her, also she lost weight although that wasn’t her goal, her goals was to be healthier.

Anyway I was trying out a new green smoothie variation I hadn’t tried before – tamarillo, peach, banana and spinach (seriously delicious), when it hit me. Jesus was 30yrs old when he began his ministry which he preceeded with a 40 day fast. And I am also 30, therefore I’m the same age that Jesus was. It seems like a small thing, but it hit me really strongly. Do it. Do it now.

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