Thursday, March 31, 2011

Seek and maybe you'll find

I can’t believe I finally found the answer. And all that time it was right under my nose. Looking and looking, and finding erroneous results and all the time wondering what was going on, there must be something more to this.

Coming across people who “couldn’t see the forest for the trees” looking for one little detail and missing the whole complex context of nature that was there.

Granted, my search did bring me into contact with lovely people I would never have met otherwise, and I did pick up some wonderful pieces of information. But it was hard to pull it all into a congruent whole.

I was rereading an old journal entry I’d written about a year ago recently, where I'd had an epiphany and drawn a massive conclusion about my own wellbeing based on a few things that I had read in a book, things which were being contradicted at the same time by something else a friend had given me in another book. It was all very confusing and frustrating.

And now (finally) I have the answer in my hands, a recommendation from a friend. Its just so logical and yet hard to believe – and yet it must be true. I trust the author implicitly and I don’t even know him. But his refutation of other things I’ve read is absolutely brilliant.

And next time I will get to the point of what this is all about. (Once I finish reading his book).

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