Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Forget Me Not

Last week was the Relief Society General Broadcast, and I really liked Elder Uchtdorfs talk about 5 things we shouldn’t forget. He talked about the Forget me not flower and how much it meant to him, and what lessons we, as women, could take away from it.

1. Forget not to be patient with yourself
God knows we’re not perfect, nor those people we think are perfect. Comparing yourself to others will make you miserable. Celebrate your own good efforts.

2. Forget not that there are good sacrifices & there are foolish sacrifices
Staying up to look after a sick child is a good thing, staying up to sew 30 handouts for your Relief Society lesson is not

3. Forget not to be happy now
In the movie Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Willy Wonka the chocolate genius hides 5 golden tickets in his chocolate bars, with the promise that those who obtain the tickets will win a lifetime supply of chocolate and a private tour of his factory. People become obsessed with getting the tickets, to the point that chocolate, which used to be such a joy, is now a disappointment. We shouldn’t put happiness on hold while waiting for a specific event, eg marriage.

4. Forget not the “Why” of the gospel
Why we do stuff is important. Not to feel obliged, but “why” motivation sparks an eternal fire in people that will cause them to do what they need to.

5. Forget not that the Lord knows and loves you
What is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of Man that thou visitest him, for thou hast made him a little lower than the angels and has crowned him with glory and honour. You are closer to heaven than you suppose.

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