Monday, October 3, 2011

Going Dairy Free

So the last week has definitely proved to me something that I have known for a while but have been in denial about. I am totally lactose intolerant and can’t have dairy at all unless I want to have heinous repercussions which I won’t go into detail about here. Even yoghurt, which supposedly doesn’t affect people the same way because the lactose is meant to have been broken down by bacteria, still causes a reaction in me.

According to the blood type diet, A blood types (which I am) shouldn’t have any dairy and hardly any meat, definitely no red meat, only certain types of fish and poultry. I looked at it and thought well that sucks, and forgot about it.

I think I can attribute the richness of NZ dairy foods to my sudden weight gain after I got home off my mission. In Switzerland I ate hardly any dairy, well that’s not true, there was a lot of cheese, a small amount of milk, and heaps of chocolate. But I almost never touched icecream, cream or yoghurt and I think those 3 things are the items that cause me the most problems, they’re also the hardest things to find dairy free replacements for.

Rice, soy or almond milk is quite easy to come by, I can make dairy free chocolate myself (and have been for the last week or so – so delicious!). But I’ve never seen dairy free yoghurt yet. There is such a thing as dairy free ice cream, I haven’t tried it yet, but someone told me it has no taste.

I’m still not quite sure how I’m going to do this thing, but I just know I have to figure out a way to cut dairy out of my life, at least 90% of the time. I think its where most of my coughs, colds and flu symptoms are coming from.

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