Monday, January 21, 2013

New Years

So I thought about making some new years resolutions or even goals for the year, but it hasn't quite panned out yet. The only thing I could think of is that I want to go somewhere I've never been - but the other day I went somewhere in my home town that I'd never been before, so does that count? A week ago I went to several different places in NZ that I'd never been before, during my road trip to Gizzy, does that count? I haven't decided yet. I think I'd like to go to Perth or Hawaii sometime this year.

Last year I didn't even finish my Years goals so I don't know whether I should even start some more this year. I did quite a few of them, and a couple of them I wasn't too far off and I could probably finish them in the first few months of this year but we'll see what happens.

This year feels like its going to be a year of change. I'm not sure why I think that, its just an impression I currently have. My sister and her husband are thinking of moving their family to Hastings. I don't like that she's moving away, but its better than if she was in Australia. 3 1/2hrs drive is not too bad, when I think about it, and Hastings has Splash Planet and stone fruit to recommend it - shes coming back from there today and bringing me cherries and peaches yay!

I'm trying really hard to be better with my health. Although my exercise program has been quite inconsistent so far, I am at least walking and a lot more active than I was last year. I think my pedometer challenges the last few months of last year have helped. I learned to make pesto a couple of weeks ago, as I was suffering from oedema (water retention) and parsley is apparently one of the ways to fix it. And pesto seems like an easy way to get a lot of herbs into your system. The swelling in my legs seems to have gone down, which is excellent. I have also been having a lot more fresh fruit and not just chugging down smoothies (which I love, but I think I have them too often). The excessively hot weather here is also more conducive to lighter foods like salads, corn and grapes.

In two months I will be attempting the Milford track, down the bottom of the south island, 53kms over 4 days, carrying all my gear with me. So I need to start training for that and organize my gear. Got some good advice on what to take from a friend who is into tramping. Hopefully the weather will be good and it will all work out fine, and no avalanches nor rain, though I'm not gonna hold my breath, since Fiordland is one of the wettest places in the country.

So yes, I have a lot of things to look forward to - including a trip up to Waiwera/Warkworth at the end of this week.

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