Monday, March 31, 2014

9 great walks

A week or so ago I finished my 9th great walk, the Heaphy Track. It was brilliant! Great weather, lovely sights, awesome people. I got to see black fantails for the first time (only found in that part of NZ) as well as rifleman, silvereye, giant carnivorous snails (they eat insects) and blue ducks (whio) it was amazing. Everyday the scenery changed, and it was all gradual up and down, nothing too strenuous. Long though.

In December I did the Tongariro northern circuit, the weather was bad so it wasn't that enjoyable. Probably better than being hot and running out of water though. In January I did the Whanganui river journey on canoes with 3 friends, I loved it, even though the river was running quite high. In february I did the Rakiura (Stewart Island) track and the Kepler track, both in one week. It was a bit of a killer, lovely weather and awesome sights though. We met heaps of cool people and I had a great time.

I got some recommendations from people for other walks to do, so I'm looking forward to starting those next Summer. Yay!

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