Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Anger Management at the Gym

So its been 3 months since I joined a gym, I signed up not long after I got back from Europe, feeling like I needed to do something for myself. I was going for a while feeling like I wasn't making much progress & just kind of mucking around, having fun, so I finally got up the nerve to go talk to the manager about how I was feeling - there are lots of personal trainers there, but they're all guys, and I feel a bit intimidated by them, but the manager is female, so I felt more comfortable talking to her, even though she did look a bit bewildered when I asked to talk to her. So she set me up a second personal trainer session - which was excellent. He gave me a really hard workout, which was good, and the next day my muscles felt very sore and achey, which is just what I wanted. Since then I've been bouncing back and forth between the first and second workouts I was given, doing whatever I feel like on the day and including parts of both.

But one thing I've added myself which I'm really liking is I borrowed some boxing gloves off a friend & have been having a great time laying into the punching bag at the gym. Its really good as an anger management tool, I think, it always makes me feel greatly relieved by the end of it, especially if I visualise whoever has been annoying me lately on the punching bag and me hitting their face, lol. Not that I would ever hit a person in real life, but it does great relief to my feelings to hit the punching bag instead. I highly recommend it. Get your own gloves though, coz you don't know whos been sweating into the gym ones.

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