Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Who I really am by Kenneth Cope

Went to a musical "fireside" in Sydney while I was there (having got home today). Kenneth Cope, LDS composer extraordinaire was over visiting the land of big red deserts. He spoke about different aspects of Who we are, interspersed with singing songs, either hymns or his own compositions. It was so beautiful and uplifting.

Abba, meaning Daddy or Poppa, is the word Jesus used in the garden of Gethsemane as he was suffering the pain of the atonement. He said if you walked through Israel today, thats what you would hear little children calling out to their fathers. Becausse He, God, is truly our father, and we are his children. And if our spirits weren't shielded by these earthly tabernacles, then everyone would be able to see our glory, a glory which comes from our spiritual parents in heaven.

I had an atheist teacher in intermediate school. I asked if he would sponsor me in the 40 hour famine and he said no because he didn't believe in God. I couldn't quite make the link between not believing in God and refusing to sponsor something, or maybe it was just an excuse. I don't understand atheism at all, especially when i look out the window and see all the wonders of Gods creation.

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