Monday, August 20, 2012

Feeling grotty

Have had a cold/flu for the last few days. I hate feeling like rubbish, headache, fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose. It has given me a lot more thinking time, while sitting around at home, since I can't go to work or anywhere else for that matter. I did have a crazy cleaning spree yesterday in my room, since I was completely bored at home. So at least my room is looking better for it. Today I had nose bleeds, and my drivers side wing mirror came off on top of everything else, I was feeling even worse. Plus I feel overheated even though I've been told my forehead feels cold. My brain is quite foggy on top of everything else. I really want to go do the Lake Waikaremoana Great walk this year, but I don't want to go by myself, and I haven't managed to find someone to go with me. My aunty said she might, but she hurt her ankle when we did the Tongariro Crossing earlier this year so that might not be a goer. Speaking of which, I'm so glad I already did that walk, given that its now closed due to volcanic activity earlier this month. My main goal at the moment is to improve my fitness - once I get over this cold that is.

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