Thursday, November 14, 2013

Kill me now

This morning at bootcamp I was forced to run 1km, which now that I think about it, isn't actually that far. But running it continuously was he serious!? I so didn't want to do it. I think I must have glared at him in disbelief for ages before turning around and starting. I've had a cold all week and only just came back after 3 mornings away with early shift.

I've been going to bootcamp now for about 4 1/2 months, every morning Monday to Friday at 6am for an hour, on days that I didn't have early shift or wasn't out of town. So thats a lot of hours, and so you would think that it would be quite feasible for me to be able to run that distance, I mean, its not actually that far. But it seemed like FOREVER before I started it, and while I was doing it it just seemed to go on and on and on and on.

But once I finished it, sat down, had a drink and a bit of a rest, and then I was actually quite proud of myself. Hey, I just run 1 whole kilometre! fancy that, who would have imagined that I could actually do that. It makes my long time new years resolution to run 5km continuously a whole lot more feasible. I mean, if I could run 1km then I could probably do 5km right? Well, maybe not all at once. I'm going to miss boot camp when I'm away for the next 2 weeks, but I'm hoping to get to the south island for some glorious hiking next week, so looking forward to it! Hope the weather is awesome, we'll see.

Afterwards the boss told me I was doing good and that he was going to keep pushing me to improve my fitness and abilities. When I told him i was SOO mad at him today he laughed, and said 'Yes, I could see that stubborn look on your face.' Well hes seen it before, and no doubt he will see it again before hes through with turning me into an actual athlete. But I got home and got dressed and decided I could feel some more definition in my leg muscles, not visible yet, but starting to improve, so maybe all this effort is worth it after all.

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