Monday, October 26, 2009

Colouring part 2

The 7 systems of the body are linked to ROYGBIV, the 7 colours of the rainbow. Each of these systems is linked to certain positive and negative emotions and can be assisted by eating raw whole foods in the same or opposite colour (eg red:green, orange:blue) Raw whole foods are alive, enzymatically and vibrationally. They pulse with electricity and vitality, the life force that keeps us alive. Dead foods will drag you down, sooner or later, live foods will bring you to life.

Red is the colour of fire and blood, associated with energy, power, strength, danger and love. Related to the edocrine and reproductive systems of the body, it contains the emotional molecules of trust, confidence, anger, incompetence and vitality. Foods include red apples, beetroot, cherries, watermelon, tomatoes and red capsicum.

Orange is the colour of joy, curiousity and warmth. Related to the musculoskeletal system with emotions of curiousity, joy, happiness, fear, doubt and worry. Foods include oranges, of course, carrots, pumpkin, peaches and mangoes.

Yellow is the colour of sunshine, happiness, intellect and youthful energy. Related to the lymphatic/immune system with emotions of wonder, will, anxiety, impatience, nervousness, adoration and intentionality. Foods include yellow apples, lemons, golden kiwi and pineapples.

Green is the colour of nature, growth, harmony, healing and fertility. It belongs to the digestive, eliminative system. Emotions include personal pride, self esteem, acceptance, guilt, self control, grief and arrogance. Foods include anything with chlorophyll, kiwifruit, limes, asparagus, cabbage and zucchini.

Blue is the colour of the sky and sea, a cooling colour equated with stability, loyalty, wisdom and tranquility. Blue foods include blueberries, plums and dark raisins.

Indigo is the colour of communication, linked to the circulatory system. Emotions include elation, graciousness, sadness, rejection, loneliness. Foods include blackberries, currants and grapes.

Purple combines the energy of red and the stability of blue - ambition and nobility, the colour of imagination. Emotions include serenity, contentment, gregariousness, relatedness, depression and dread. Foods include purple figs, elderberries, red cabbage, eggplant and red onions.

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