Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I was ironing one of my work shirts the other day, which for some reason is when I get moments of insight and inspiration, when I’m doing mundane routine chores like washing the dishes or hanging out washing, when I was hit with a thought. Everything is energy. Everything is tied into energy. I spent several minutes running through a list in my head. Music, anything audio-related, is just sound waves pinging through space, which of course is energy, as is stuff on the tv, dvds, radio, microwaves, electronics, whiteware and so on and so forth.

Electricity is energy, running through wires to power such things as the laptop I am currently typing this information on. People are energy based systems, we eat food and drink liquids to sustain us, we need light and movement and fresh air to keep us going. We give and take energy from each other on a constant basis, whether by nurturing, power tripping, intimidating, being victims, attention seeking behaviours. Cars need fuel which gives them energy to run, as to all mechanical objects. The weather is a huge system of energy transferal, wind and water moving around the planet. The planet is an energy source, coal and gas deposits buried in the earth waiting to be accessed by man and technology. Theres lots of other things too, but going into them all would be overkill.

Possibly this train of thought was influenced by a recent book I picked up at the library called “Who stole my energy” which talks about the food we eat and how it depletes or aids our energy stores, as well as how kindness can give us energy and negativity can dissipate it.

Ages ago, I bought a dvd of a book that I really liked, The Celestine Prophecy, which talks about energy and how we try to steal it from one another, as well as limitless sources of energy we could tap into if we knew about it, and how mutual giving of energy can elevate two parties to a higher sense of wellbeing.

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