Saturday, July 3, 2010

Elusive Moments

My high school physics teacher told us one time, that whenever you see a double rainbow, one of them will be reversed in colour. Ie red on the outside and purple on the inside. I saw a double rainbow at work yesterday and remembered what he’d said. It was beautiful. If I hadn’t been in the middle of helping customers I would have grabbed my phone and taken a photo with it.

The other day I was on my way home from work when I saw an exceptionally brightly coloured strand of rainbow (rapidly fading) in between Mt Pirongia and the Temple. It was awesome. I pulled over the side of the road to take a picture with my phone but it was too small and my phone didn’t really pick up the colours properly. So then I took another one only to find out I had no space left on my memory card and would have to delete something first. That took a few minutes – so hard deciding what to get rid of – and by the time I’d finished the rainbow had faded and the moment was gone.

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