Friday, July 2, 2010

Looking after yourself

Love your liver and live longer

So goes the slogan for the Liver Cleansing Diet book by Sandra Cabot, an Australian lady. Apparently if you suffer from obesity, high blood pressure or cholesterol, liver disease, gallstones, digestive problems, irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, or chronic fatigue syndrome, chances are your liver needs a break.

The liver weighs 1-1.5kgs and is basically the bodys version of a water and waste treatment plant, taking in everything, sorting it, modifying it until its safe to be let loose. However, due to excessive pollution, chemicals in the air and environment, eating rubbish food, alcohol and so forth, the liver becomes overworked and unable to do everything that it needs to do.

My chiropractor told both my sister and I that we should do a liver cleanse, so we have jointly decided to to the liver cleansing diet together. Week one wasn’t too bad. She basically tries to wean you off certain foods that aren’t helping, like red meat, dairy, junk food and processed foods. Halfway through week 2 and I had a blowout day, but I’m going to get back into it tomorrow.

The next 4 weeks will be more challenging, as they require cutting out all meat and egg yolks. Not sure what the purpose of eliminating egg yolks is, but I’ll have to finish reading the book and see if she mentions why.

Eight weeks is not too long anyway. And it seems like one of the simplest diets I’ve ever come across anyway. No counting stuff and weighing everything, no hunger cravings. Its brilliant.

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