Saturday, February 7, 2009


First year Uni, a whole decade ago, feeling like the smartest people on the planet... we had made it! out of the confines of mandatory school uniform, rules and bursary exams it was on to bigger, brighter and hopefully more fun things than we had imagined before, liberation, freedom, voting rights, reaching the drinking age (prior to it being lowered, not that I ever utilised my rights in said arena). Then reality set in. Tests, assignments, regulations, restrictions - whose idea was it to sign up for this anyway? More time on my hands than I'd ever had, and no money to enjoy it with. I have little to no recollection of anything I studied that year. My main recollections is becoming a blonde for 6 months at the end of my first year, sort of a rebellious "I need a change" thing. The second recollection is a question that came out during many philosophical discussions with friends... Who am I really? To be continued...

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