Monday, May 11, 2009

Attempt to Honour Mums

Even though Mothers day is meant to be about looking after mum's, they still have to do all the work. That might be a sad commentary on my family, but I have observed it amongst other families also. We decided to have a big extended family get together pot luck dinner at my aunty's house. There was way too much food and all the females opted to "start our next diet tomorrow". But it was still mostly prepared by the mothers. So much for it being their day. All the menfolk were off somewhere, the office or the lounge, I'm not sure which.

As the only adult female not a mother, I attempted to do my part. Namely dessert. It was delicious too, chocolate apple crumble. Of course loaded on top of potato bake, roast meat, roast veges, salad and some kind of dubious curry, my eyes quickly became too big for my stomache. I love food. But there was way too much for one person to manage preparation and cleanup all by themselves, and it wasn't my kitchen.

You have to be careful when you're a female in someone elses kitchen. There's liable to be a lot of rules that you don't know about in advance. You have to be careful not to step on any toes. That being said, its a great communal place, the kitchen. Its generally the heart of the home, and in group situations its a place to catch up and feel good about working towards a comon goal, namely getting dinner out on time, but only when theres more than one person there. So in that case, helping my mum, aunty and sister was not so much honouring the mothers in my family as participating with them, and turned out to be a really enjoyable experience.

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