Monday, February 1, 2010

The Fountain of Youth

In my last post on health, all my thinking seemed to be based on looking for the elusive elixir of eternal life or the fountain of youth. Imagine that. A mythological source of regeneration, where an act so simple as drinking could at once restore and completely rejuvenate your aged and oxidised body to a youthful, slim and zestful one. Only old people appreciate how great it is to be young, young people don't appreciate their youth until they're past it, most of the time.

When you look at children bouncing off the walls, driving their parents insane, but meanwhile thinking, you know i wouldn't mind having a piece of their life, the lack of responsibilities and work, just playing and enjoying yourself all day. How wonderful it would be to have that sort of energy 24/7, having a childlike enthusiasm and constant desire to move. Childhood is probably the only time in life when you have such freedom of expression.

The human body is a marvellous thing. Every second of every day you're alive, carrying on so many functions without our awareness. Breathing, heart beat, hormone regulation, disgestion, nutrient assimilation, growth, mitosis, detoxification and temperature control. You don't even pay attention to any of it, except occasionally when its hard to breathe or something goes out of whack.

Now that I think about it, the elixir of life would be a better option for me at the moment, since i'm not that old. My childhood wasn't that fun and neither was being a teenager. I wouldn't want to go back to it. Eternal youth would be a great thing, but keeping the knowledge I've gained over the last 30 years wouldn't hurt either.

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