Tuesday, February 9, 2010


There hasn't been much lately in my life to interest me, which is kinda sad because i used to have so much interest in so many different things in my life. I would constantly be coming up with useful ideas and projects that would germinate into sprouts then finally fully grown plants and all my time would be spent nourishing these creations of mine until they were satisfyingly complete. But lately i've just felt apathetic about everything. I have watched an unusual number of movies (for me anyway) but they haven't pleased me any.

In the good old days, I would always be taking in information (usually in the form of several books at a time) but i think i possibly had an bookwormish information overload last year because i had no social life since i moved cities and i couldnt be much bothered with most people.

Anyway, my dad read this book when i was a kid about creation, it was called Psychogenesis the idea that 'everything begins in mind', so whenever you see something be it building, tree or scrapbook page, its because it originally started out as an idea in someones head (mans/Gods).

Last night i was thumbing through a nice easy on the eye picture book when i had it. The first flame of inspiration and desire i've had in many moons and suddenly i just knew what i wanted to do. A vision of my future creation was dancing through my mind, and i knew that i was not going to be able to stop until it was completed. The final project is still a ways off and i know that i have a lot to do, but the amazing thing is that i actually want to do it.

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