Monday, October 6, 2008

Coincidences & connections

I have been noticing alot more things lately, ever since i watched the Celestine Prophecy (based on a book by James Redfield). The way you'll be thinking of someone and they'll call you, or you'll run into them. I was writing in my journal about my brother and sister who I rarely ever see, then within 24hrs I had randomly run into both of them. Coincidence? I think not. I think such meetings are planned in advance by God. The key is whether or not you choose to listen to the little whispery promptings that you get from time to time. I saw my sister just because she "happened" to be walking to her mailbox just as I chose a different route home, my brother because we both "happened" to go to the same petrol station at the same time. Then to top it off, I was at the fruit & veg store where the very chatty sales assistant was talking and talking to me, I wasn't in a hurry so I didn't mind, but there were other customers waiting. And why did I get held up that day? I wasn't sure until my dad walked through the door. If she hadn't been talking so long I never would have seen him, we would have completely bypassed each other. Sometimes you have really strong connections to people and you can sense when they're going to call you, or you'll both be thinking about the same thing at the same time. People are gifts who come into your life, often to teach you something, sometimes to be taught.

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