Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Peer Power

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers... why? Because the people who we spend out time with are the ones with the most influence over us - for better or for worse.

Today I went to day one of a self motivation course paid for by work, at which I had to listen to a bunch of whinging sods behind me complaining about how they weren't learning anything. That can happen when you don't listen. I wished they would shut up, close minded people annoy me. You're getting paid to enjoy the beautiful view of the harbour and play with playdo, you may as well enjoy yourselves.

I sit here, reflecting on other peoples ability to affect or influence my motivations and emotions or my ability to affect theirs. I did really well at high school, and i had similar expectations as I went into Uni. Until a family friend said to me, "You can't expect to do as well at uni as you did at high school, theres more people to compete against and the work level is a lot higher."
I totally took what he said on board, believed him, and what do you know, uni was a struggle for me to get through. In hindsight what would he know, he never even finished uni. And yet I took his beliefs as my own. It was a big lesson to me. Only take the advice of people you trust, and even then, don't take it all.

I read one time that fear and anger cause our auras to shrink, and enthusiasm causes it to expand. Obviously an expanded aura (5m or so out from our body) can influence people alot more than one thats in close around us. Consciously or subconsciously, we're all affected by others. Maybe thats why people are most comfortable around those who are most like themselves.

At times I much prefer being alone to having to deal with other peoples hangups. All I have to do know is find a kindred spirit or two and then we can take over the world.

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